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Self-employed: income protection or key person insurance?

When you’re self-employed, your business largely (if not entirely) depends on you. So insuring yourself against the unexpected makes sense.  If you’re looking for insurance, you may have come across two options – income protection and key person insurance. So, what’s the difference between them? As we’ll see, while they both help cover financial costs in case of certain unexpected setbacks, they differ in the way they work – one helps the business keep going, while the other ten...

October 27, 2022

Why use an insurance adviser?

When you’re thinking about taking insurance, you often face one key question early in the process: do you turn to an adviser for some assistance, or go it alone? While Kiwis are a nation of DIY-ers, there are some important reasons why an insurance adviser can be an invaluable asset in your financial life. We know what we are doing This might seem obvious, but it’s an important thing to note from the outset. While you have specialised skills in your area of expertise at work or home, you mig...

October 27, 2022

Is Misinformation About ACC Putting People at Risk?

New Zealanders remain confused about what is covered by ACC - and as a result, many are not seeking the financial protection they may need. Here’s what a recent report has revealed. One in five Kiwis expects ACC to cover them for serious illnesses The no-fault accidental injury compensation scheme only covers injuries resulting from an accident. But according to a recent study* released by insurer Partners Life, many respondents mistakenly thought they would be covered by ACC if unexplained ba...

October 27, 2022

Six insurance misconceptions to watch out for

Insurance is something most of us think we are fairly familiar with. But some common misconceptions might be standing in the way of you getting the maximum protection possible from your insurance policies. How many of these have you heard? #1: I don’t need insurance, ACC will help New Zealand’s ACC scheme is great if you are injured and need to take some time off work,  have to make adjustments to your home to cater for your injury, or need treatment to get back on your feet. But unlik...

July 20, 2022

Are you overdue for a check-up

When it comes to your health, are you taking a preventative approach? Everyone knows the cliché, “prevention is better than cure”, but we do not always take it to heart. Life gets in the way, we’re busy and sometimes some important regular health checks can be skipped. When was the last time you had any of these important check-ups? You may find your insurance is on hand to make the process very simple and easy. Skin checks Unfortunately, New Zealand is a world-leader when it comes to sk...

July 20, 2022

Keeping your insurance records healthy

You probably have personal insurance cover for peace of mind. You know that, when you have good policies in place, they’ll be there to help those you love if you are no longer around. Or maybe they’ll step in for you if you are ill and unable to function as you do now. But do those closest to you know how to find details of these policies, so they can call on them easily? It’s helpful to give some thought to how you store your insurance records, so that they can be accessed when they are n...

July 20, 2022

Keeping cover and cutting costs

High inflation is hitting the headlines and hip pockets, and in this kind of environment it’s natural to review the household budget – what is going out and what could be reduced.  Insurance is of course one of those expenses. But it’s not one that can easily be turned off and on like a Netflix subscription – there can be some costly consequences of cutting cover.  Having said that, there are a number of ways policy benefits can be adjusted to provide some cost-relief (dependin...

July 20, 2022

Having the ‘life insurance talk’ with your partner

No one likes to think about things not going to plan. But over the course of your financial life, some unexpected events may happen. That’s why taking out insurance is integral to your personal and financial wellbeing. And if you’re in a couple, having appropriate cover in place can help protect the life you’re building together. So, is it time for a conversation with your partner about your insurance needs? Here are a few tips to get you started.  Getting on the same pagePersonal ins...

March 18, 2022

Seven interesting benefits of having health cover

Are you exploring your health cover options? Or perhaps you’d like a refresher of the benefits your policy already brings?  As we’ll see in this guide, there’s more to health insurance than skipping the public system waiting list or having elective surgery. Depending on the insurer, you may be able to access some lesser-known perks. Read on to learn more. Access to non-Pharmac funded coverAt its core, health insurance is designed to give you faster access to medical diagnosis and trea...

March 18, 2022

"Dear tomorrow…" Send your future self a letter

If you could say one thing to your future self, what would it be? What are some of the important things you’d like to remind yourself, before life gets in the way again?  Have you ever thought about writing a letter to Future You? Think of it as starting a conversation with your own self, through space and time. Because time does fly, but a lot happens in between, and sending a letter to your future self can be an excellent reminder of that.  But how, you may ask? Technology never ce...

March 18, 2022

Six great apps to try in 2022

Are you getting the most out of your smartphone, and perhaps making your device an ally for your New Year’s resolutions? Here are some popular apps you can try this year. Pocket You know how you spot an article as you’re browsing the web and make a mental note to come back to read it – then promptly forget about it? Pocket is designed to solve that problem. It allows you to save news, magazine articles, videos, recipes in one place, and come back to them when you want to. It’ll also lear...

November 29, 2021

Your cover and your New Year’s resolutions

As one year moves into another, it’s a great time to take stock of where you’re at, and where you’d like to be in another year’s time. So, do you have any financial goals for the year ahead? Here’s how insurance can help you achieve them. Like to save more money? Saving more money is consistently one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. If you’re looking to cut your spending and put a bit more money into savings this year, it could be a good time to review your insurance pol...

November 29, 2021

What’s your Kiwi barbecue personality?

Summer is finally here: time to chuck something on the barbecue and make the most of the lovely long evenings. In our travels, we found this lovely bit of humour about “barbecue personalities”. Here’s our Kiwi take – which one are you? The TV cooking show contestant This barbecue host won’t just offer you a slab of steak and a bit of corn wrapped in foil. They will have been to their local high-end grocer for the best cut of meat – or, if you’re living in the country, may...

November 29, 2021

Your six-step self-care toolkit

Once again, New Zealanders are pulling together to stamp out Covid-19. In times like these, it’s more important than ever to take care of each other and ourselves.The message is akin to one you may have heard before, flying to your destination: “Put your mask on first, before assisting others.” It’s key to take care of yourself, so you can be there for your loved ones. Here are some steps you can take to cope with these times – and if there’s anything that we can help you with as you...

September 7, 2021

How gardening improves well-being: Research

A new study on the health benefits of home gardening has revealed that tending to your greens just twice a week can improve your well-being, and lower stress levels. The main motivator for gardening was found to be the pleasure that it brought to people’s lives, and the time spent indulging in the activity increased with the amount of vegetation growth. Like to know how your ‘green thumb’ is making you healthy? Here are some key findings. How does gardening help? According to Roy...

June 25, 2021

The benefits of trying new things

Have you been yearning to play the guitar? Or maybe to learn a new language, or how to surf, or bake a cake? Even if there’s nothing wrong with routine (after all, a routine means stability), there might be something you have longed to do for a while. Whatever your interests, not only can learning something new be fun, but also quite beneficial. According to science, trying new things has proven benefits for your health and mental wellbeing, and you can find something that suits your time...

June 24, 2021

The insurance cover for cancer, strokes, heart attacks and more

Often, when you hear of someone encountering a serious medical event, they talk about the unexpected financial costs involved. Even when their medical treatment is through the public system, there are often extra costs associated with childcare while they are in hospital, for instance, or the cost of family members taking time off work to help at home. The good news is that there’s a type of insurance that is designed to step in, in just those sorts of situations. When you suffer a serious for...

June 23, 2021

Time to review what you’re covered for?

If you already have insurance, but it’s been a while since you reviewed it, then an insurance refresher might be worth your while. One thing we have all learned all too well in the last year, is that life is unpredictable – and it’s important to ensure you have appropriate financial protection for it. With these ever-changing circumstances, it’s easy to set and forget your insurance. But that could mean you’re not using your cover to its full potential, including claiming on everything...

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